Friday, 30 September 2011

Warm September

Well it's been a while since my last post but Blogspot has almost lost my interest . By that I mean I can't leave comments unless I sign Annoymous , so please bare with me. Also friends can't get onto my posts, so I hope you can today.

September has been at it's warmest for over a week now, and for most of the Country. So lots of people are out enjoying themselves on our beautiful Coast line along Devon and Cornwall.

Getting back to the garden when the lawn has been mowed it looks like the above , so with the fine weather it's looking good . The holly bush is coming along nicely , crab apple tree and the remaining Hydrangea's are still a pretty blue. There has also been new arrivals on the pond as you can see which took me by surprise. But at least it has been warm for them , they are now be 3weeks old. It's been 3 weeks since my sisters visit which seems like a lot longer than that. It was great to have a lovely girlie time and we went out every day. As we won't see each other now for at least 10 months at least. Wile-e was very excited to see her and in his excitment (unknown to us) pulled all the stuffing out of his duvet. The room looked like a snow storm had hit it. Little Tinker we couldn't tell him off though we just laughed. :)

Friday is cake cooking day for me and I found a lovely little recipe for Little Lemon Puddings. It makes a nice change and they are very light , from the Victoria Sponge recipe. So I make about ten in my ramikins. I shall put the recipe on later today or tomorrow.

Till then bye for now and enjoy the warm sunshine while it's still here , catch you later. :)

Monday, 5 September 2011

Thank you...

PhotobucketHello just to say thank you for my award so happy :) woppeeee
It's a rain on and off today here , so just taking a break on the puter.
I am looking forward to my sister visiting on Thursday for a few day's. Nothing quite like a girlie day or two out. We will probably have a couple of lunch's  and I will cook one of my specials.
Have a great day catch you later...Just off to bake one of my chocolate cakes. :)