Sunday, 22 May 2011

Changing Colours

My Roses are coming along very nicely all a beautiful shade of yellow, except for one it has a tinted pink around the edges. It got me thinking why only one , these are just outside my window . So as I pass by them every day there is yet another little bloom. Don't you just love the colour it's so pretty and the most uplifting colour I know. It got me thinking of a little Canary I had about 8 years ago now . I called her Tina happy little thing she was and she just loved raw carrot. So every day I cut a piece up and she would immediately get stuck in. As time went by I noticed a change in her feathers , and realized she was indeed turning pretty shade of Orange. I couldn't believe it well I never , I will always remember this with great affection for my little Canary . Funny how things just pop into your mind like that , thought I would share with you. It's been dull and windy here most of the day , but the Sun has finally made an appearance. Hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday :)


  1. Your roses are awesome!! I love yellow roses, they are so cheerful.
    Do you think the canary turned orange because of the carrots?


  2. Hi Beth yes I do believe it was the carrots , scroll down to check out the tinted Rose to get a better look. Thank you for you comment xx

  3. Hi Sheila, dropping by on Blogger for a change, which means I'm able to have another look at your lovely Roses, it's pouring down here at the moment, so I'm taking the opportunity to wander about the internet. Well, means my hair won't get wet on my travels ... :-) xPenx

  4. I just love Roses, they were my parents favorite and mine as well. My sister also grows beautiful roses.

  5. Nearly missed this one Sheila, I do check but you sneaked it in when I wasn't looking. The roses are beautiful, I have some yellow ones the same took some photos to-day, I think the pink tinge comes from the Peace rose of which yours is probably a parent. I have one called Golden showers, who starts off pink tinged then goes yellow, where the others as yours, are yellow and go pink as they age, but whatever the colour they are beautiful, it's just a pity they have such vicious thorns. Your garden is just so lovely, I wish mine was a bit more spacious and had ducks!
    By the way it is true that too much carrot will turn the eater orange, don't give any to Wile-e

  6. @Arlene thank you for you comment thank you I didn't know that ..yes indeed I had not give Wile-e any carrot lol...Enjoy your day Sheila xx
